Wednesday, January 21, 2015

FEEE-VAAAHH!! - Spring Fever! Cabin Fever! Gold Fever!

Eureka Gold Panning
Fine gold in black sands - photo by Robert Way 

Eureka Gold Panning
That's me!
I   GOT   FEEE-VAHH!    <ROFL> Okay, so, I get it.. it's mid-January.. it's cold outside. Spring is still officially two months away. Spending too much time indoors can lead to a myriad of bad habits, including (but not limited to):

  1. Watching too much TV - which leads to #2
  2. Sitting and snacking - which can lead to #3
  3. Oversleeping (if your days are flexible as mine are)
  4. Spending too much time on social media sites
  5. Watching infomercials on late night TV and social media
  6. Overeating... 
  7. Depriving self of sunshine (when available... because, baby it's cold outside!)
  8. Snacking... oh, I said that already!
Well, you can probably think of at least a few more... but what I wanted to tell you is.. with all that TV and social media I was watching too much of... I stumbled on some gold panning videos! Now I got the GOLD FEVER again! LOL - FOR REAL !!!
Classifier gold panning by Heidi Edwards
Tying hardware cloth to classifier to reduce
pebbles in working bucket
 I am psyched up and ready to jump in the creek! I got a pair of waders for Christmas! They're pink! With neoprene booties and they come up over my chest, WITH a bib pocket! (I know, right?!) and I have put hardware cloth over my classifier to double it's efficiency... AND I even have new knee protectors for those slate beds I can't get comfortable on! I AM READY! Who's with me?! ... what? oh, the water is too cold for you? It makes your hands hurt? Get some gloves with liners! Keep a hand warmer pack in your carry sack so you can warm them up between buckets. 
Mini-sluice photo by Heidi Edwards
My prezzie from-me-to-me
J-C AmY sluice box 

See, I figure.. all I gotta do is.... classify some stream sediment into a bucket. I can rent (or borrow?) a simple sluice box from a prospecting friend. Run the bucket, clean up, and bring the cons (concentrated material) home for later (a warmer afternoon, or the mini-sluice at the kitchen sink... whichever!) That nifty mini-sluice here is a present I bought for myself last fall. You can find this J-C AmY sluice box  and more models at  

I promise to show you pictures ... but in the meanwhile, it's dark outside... so, I'll have to get back to crocheting until sunrise... ooooh! this is going to be a good week! I just know it! 
I hope my posts make you smile! 

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