Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Staying steady...

Staying steady... is a great site for nutrition and fitness information and support. I enjoy the articles and the nutrition/fitness trackers. Probably the best part is the community. There are teams for every interest, but if I wanted to start a new group, I CAN!! It's great to communicate with others who are tackling the same challenges as I am, whether it is weight, nutrition, balancing work/family life, learning new skills, relearning old skills.... it's all here!

In the blog I posted on SP (that's what we insiders refer to the site as), I ramble off a few thoughts on anorexia, personal finances, recent fitness challenges, and nutrition habits. I hope you will look around on the SP site and consider becoming a member (YES! IT'S TOTALLY FREE!!), even if you aren't weight-challenged, you can get a lot out of the site. Come see, and enjoy!